The Church believes that all are called to serve the Lord using the gifts that God gives them. However it is recognised that some are called to a more formal role within the Church community.
Within our Church we recognise the following people as part of our Leadership:
Adrian Went Deacon
27th Apr 2023
Pete Meller Deacon
Church Treasurer 24th Mar 2022
Kevin Smithbone Deacon
Secretary 24th Mar 2022
Jill Massey Deacon
Safeguarding Officer 16th Feb 2023
Patrick Corke Deacon
24th Mar 2022
The Minister is appointed by the Church to serve the Church community as the spiritual leader through preaching and teaching God's Word, administering the Sacraments i.e. the Lord's Supper and baptism and attending to the pastoral needs of those in the Church community and the community the Church serves. (although each of these roles will also be carried out by others in the Church community).
Deacons are called (by election) by the Church Membership from the Church Membership to serve the Church community by supporting the Minister. They will also evaluate and recommend major matters to be brought to the entire congregation for vote.
In addition to these general duties they may also have specific roles such as Secretary and Treasurer.