Sunday Morning Service 10.30am
We meet for a morning service - the young people go to Sonseekers at approx 10.45am. The first part of the service is given over to praise and worship of our Lord God, and after Sonseekers have gone out for their own time together, the remaining time is spent in the exposition of God's Word to His people - the Bible.
On the second Sunday of the month, we join together to remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, by sharing Communion during the service, and we invite all those who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour to join with us in this.
Sonseekers are the lively groups for young people to learn about God, and what the Bible teaches, in a language they understand, with activities, singing and crafts etc. The young people leave the main meeting at around 10.45am, go to the schoolrooms to the side of the building, and split into age-related groups, 5-11s (Sonseekers)
Rompers is a weekly (term time) carer & toddler group, which meets in the schoolroom at the side of the church building. There is a small charge per family group (you don't have to pay for each child), and refreshments are provided for children and adults. We try to organise different activities each week, to encourage the little ones to join in together, and even organise evening activities for parents/guardians to come along to without their children.
We currently have on Life Explored that meets each Monday at 7.30pm
We meet in the Lobby Way.
Our Prayer meetings and coffee are each week on a Thursday at 10am in the Lobby Way
Afternoon Tea is held on the first Wednesday of each month, 2.00pm - 4.00pm.
Throughout the year we run an assortment of social events such as film nights, picnics, bring and share lunches and other activities. Details are posted on the web site as the events happen.
Those involved meet regularly to arrange visits for those who are lonely or unwell. - If you would like a visit why not get in touch
Meetings take place bi-monthly. Also the Church AGM and Reports meeting is held every March.